Anthony is in love with the work. He's not afraid of notes and revisions. It's a part of the craft. And every need for change represents an opportunity for improvement; an invitation for epiphanies and happy accidents.
An author, screenwriter, and journalist, Anthony is widely published and produced. His deep love of story has driven him to create a wealth of characters, narratives, and worlds. For himself, his audience, and his sweeping client-base.

“Anthony's exceptional talent as a screenwriter truly sets him apart from others in the industry. His screenplays are not only intriguing but also exceptionally well written, demonstrating a profound understanding of narrative structure and character development.”
- Tracee Beebee, writer/director

An award winning producer and production designer with over 100 credits on IMDb, his years in the film industry have armed Anthony with an acute understanding of filmmaking. His screenplays are mindful of budget, fx, locations, and designed to be tempting to producers and actors.

Growing up on comic books, 'Twilight Zone' and every book he could devour, Anthony's fascination with story in general and speculative fiction in particular has driven him to create diverse worlds of his own. He writes in all forms and most genres, honoring whichever best suits the tale.

A journalist for many years, Anthony's been a contributing writer for a number of publishers and publications. Articles, op-eds, and essays, Anthony has provided his insights on everything from pop culture to politics (and other subjects that don't start with 'p').

Brilliant in life…and in undeath, Allison must solve her mental decay before she becomes just another mindless eating machine.‘Revolting’ lives up to its name, but also has a political heartline, exploring the flaws in our system and what it means to be (or to not be) human.

Barely surviving an Earth devastated by natural disasters and killer insects, a mysterious loner enters a contest for food; but surviving the brutal, televised gauntlet could also make him humanity’s savior.

A high-end fashion shoot in an isolated, Italian villa becomes a bath of beauty and bloodshed.

Marcus Turner is dying and the mysterious stranger, Griffen, may hold the cure. It will only cost Marcus one year of his life…and everything that matters.

A young HP Lovecraft pens his ‘what I did for my summer vacation’ essay, detailing his first contact with the Old Ones.

Devon has quite the imagination. The question is, when he made his first trip to the carnival freak show, did something actually follow him home?

We each find true love in our own way. Don't judge.

How empty and alone is space? Yet how much more reliable than man...?

Doens of bitesized, creepy crawlies.
A journalist for many years, Anthony's been a contributing writer for a number of publishers and publications, including RedRock Press, and Wizard the Comics Magazine. Articles, op-eds, and essays, Anthony has provided his insights on everything from pop culture to politics.

After replacing Batman, defeating Bane, and destroying his creators, Azrael is about to face his greatest challenge: redemption.

Erik Larsen returns to DC Comics with a mission: Present Aquaman with villains worthy of the lord of Atlantis

EXTINCTION AGENDAWhewn Mother Earth targets humanity for death, the heroes of Spirit of the Tao have just one problem, deciding which side to take.
A Veteran of the Craft
Ghostwriter, script doctor, and commissioned screenwriter, has been writing professional scripts for two decades.
An alum of the ProSeries in screenwriting and the School of Creative and Performing Arts, Anthony is a master of generating marketable concepts, twisting plots, and punchy dialogue.
Have a story to tell, but don't know how to tell it?
Maybe you just have an idea. Anthony can help you flesh that into a screenplay.
Have access to an interesting location? Or talent attached? Anthony excels at tailoring scripts to fit the assets clients' have at their disposal.
Stuck with a bad script?
Whether you need a punch-up or a page one rewrite, Anthony is a master of restructuring and clean-up.