“Anthony is one of the most integral creatives I've had on my crew. His attention to detail and ability to tell a story never ceases to amaze me."

- Andrew Kasch, director


Marcus Turner is dying and the mysterious stranger, Griffen may hold the cure. It will only cost Marcus one year of his life…and everything that matters.

MARCUS "...look, you don’t know me, but --"
GRIFFIN "Best ears, that. Strangers. Not caught up in all your shite."
CRACKHAUER "It’s very simple, doctor. Quality o’ life is for the living."
ANDRE "Then how about quality of death?"

Brilliant in life…and in undeath, Allison must solve her mental decay before she becomes just another mindless eating machine. ‘Revolting’ lives up to its name, but also has a political heartline, exploring the flaws in our system and what it means to be (or to not be) human.

Barely surviving an Earth devastated by natural disasters and killer insects, a mysterious loner enters a contest for food; but surviving the brutal, televised gauntlet could make also him humanity’s savior.

EM "You can’t go, Handel. You’ll be food. And I’ll be --"
HANDEL "You’ll be afraid. Whether I’m here or not."
DEAN "For what? You’re the only one who thinks there’s been a murder. I think you got freaked out by Stacey’s drowning and now you’re paranoid."
JANA "And I know that I saw Elizabeth dead and you’re a sick fuck who takes twisted pictures."

In this homage to the films of Giallo and Argento, a high-end fashion shoot in an isolated, Italian villa becomes a bath of beauty and bloodshed.

The death of the world, or the death of your son? How do you choose?

HANNAH "For God's sake, Evey, he's your nephew"
EVE "I love Sammy but this all of humanity we're talking about. You get that, right?"

“Anthony's exceptional talent as a screenwriter truly sets him apart from others in the industry. His screenplays are not only intriguing but also exceptionally well written, demonstrating a profound understanding of narrative structure and character development.”

- Tracee Beebee, writer/director


Portsmouth and Privilege

Love 'Downton Abbey'? Try an excerpt from this moving, Edwardian drama.


Love 'Downton Abbey'? Try an excerpt from this moving, Edwardian drama.


"Am I now so jaded? Men wander through our lives like courting apparitions, it’s so easy to mistake one for another."
"You see, I know he had it before you all went on that little weekend boat ride off Miami. And since you two were attached at the crotch I figure you have the best chance of knowing if he dropped in the bay. And where."


An intense interrogation between captor and hostage. 


A CSI style thriller about the loss of innocent lives.

"The tassel off Kaylee’s bike. The window of time she went missing…Oh my God, Frank, I know what happened."

"Alright, let’s try the Socratic route. At what point does your relationship with Christ become more important than your relationship with your own son?"

Father & Son

Excerpt from a moving drama exploring the difference in gender issues between generations.


Not That Guy

Excerpt from a drama exploring support and sensitivity in the aftermath of sexual abuse.

"I know you haven’t known me long, but…I like who you are. And who you are isn’t who you were. And me, well, I’m not that guy."
"Use any story you like about your departure; mid-life crisis, caring for a sick aunt, whatever helps you keep the illusion of your pride."

Office Showdown

Office politics can be brutal. Are you as good at the game as you think...?


Love can be found in the strangest of places. For instance, hiding from monsters. 

"If I could raise my white blood cell count at will, I’d try to bleed pink."